Directory structure in Mapbender


This directory contains:

  • the php-Cache (app/cache)

  • the logs (app/logs)

  • the configurations (app/config)

  • the applicationkernel (app/AppKernel.php) (this is called by the FrontendControllers and controlls the whole application)

  • the Autoloading (autoload.php)

  • the application specific resource directory (Resources)

  • the command line application for maintaining and management tasks (app/console)


Basic configuration files of Mapbender are placed in the app/config directory. Two files are of particular importance:

  • parameters.yml

  • config.yml

More Information: YAML Configuration (Configuration and Application files).


The directory app/config/applications contains all applications that are defined in a YAML file.

More Information: YAML Configuration (Configuration and Application files).


Here are symlinks to the following binaries placed:

  • apigen

  • composer

  • coveralls

  • doctrine

  • doctrine.php

  • phantomjs

  • phing

  • phpunit


Folder for this documentation.


Directory of the FOM submodule.


Directory of the Mapbender submodule. Provides the mapbender-specific bundles and the Mapbender code.


Directory: mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/

The translations are stored in XLIFF textfiles. Every language needs an xliff-file like messages.en.xlf for the English translation.


Directory of the OWSProxy submodule.


Directory for external libraries (loaded by composer) and further Mapbender modules (a.o. Digitizer, Mapbender-Icons).


This directory has to be published by the webserver. The ALIAS has to refer to this directory.

It controls:

  • the FrontendController (PHP-Script, which can be called). These are app.php for the productive-system and app_dev.php for the development version. The development version contains the profiler for perfomance tests and more.

  • this directory contains the static resoures like css, js, favicon etc.


  • here the static resources of the single bundles are stored.

  • the following command copies the resources from the bundles to the folder.

app/console assets:install --symlink web
  • Notice: if you use Windows you can’t create symbolic links and therefore you have to run the command (app/console assets:install web) after every change in the code to copy the files to the directory.


  • directory for applications specific bundles (similar to the former x-directories in Mapbender 2.x)


  • directory where all the Bundles which are used from Symfony are found. Resources are used by Symfony using the Autoloading.