app/console commands

Mapbender provides commands that can be executed via the command line. Some of the commands are provided by the Symfony components, others belong to Mapbender.

Some useful commands are described in the following document.

Make sure you are in the correct directory (above the app directory)

  • mapbender/application (installation via GitHub)

  • mapbender (installation via package)

Help command


The parameter –help displays the help message for every command for example:

app/console mapbender:user:create --help

User administration

app/console mapbender:user:create

Command to create a new user on the command line. User name, email and password are mandatory. User name and email have to be unique.

app/console mapbender:user:create --help
app/console mapbender:user:create --password mypassword --email my@email name
app/console mapbender:user:create --password mypassword123 --email 'Max Mustermann'

Update user settings

Information for a user can be updated.

Following information can be updated:

  • email

  • password

The user name cannot be changed.

app/console mapbender:user:create --update --password mypassword --email my@email name

app/console mapbender:user:create --update --password mypassword8910 --email 'Max Mustermann'

app/console fom:user:resetroot

Command to create or update the root account. User name, email and password must be assigned for creation.

During the update, the unique assignment is made via the already existing ID, therefore all three parameters mentioned above can be changed.

app/console fom:user:resetroot

app/console mapbender:user:list

Command to list all existing users with their ID and user name and the time of creation.

app/console mapbender:user:list
User #3 name: max_mustermann since 2019-10-14 12:10:44


app/console mapbender:database:upgrade

Command to update the Mapbender database.

app/console mapbender:database:upgrade

Updating map element configs
Found 28 map elements
28/28 [============================] 100%
Updated 28 Map elements
Exiting now

app/console doctrine:database:create

The command is used only once during installation and creates the administration database for Mapbender. The database connection can be found in the parameters.yml file.

app/console doctrine:database:create

app/console doctrine:schema:create

The command is used only once during installation and creates the database schema, which means that the tables required by Mapbender are created.

app/console doctrine:schema:create

app/console doctrine:schema:validate

Validate whether that the database is up-to-date.

app/console doctrine:schema:validate
[Mapping]  OK - The mapping files are correct.


app/console mapbender:print:queue:next

The queued print is disabled by default because it requires some external integration setup. To run print jobs via the command line, the following parameter must be added to the parameters.yml file and set to TRUE to enable queued printing.

mapbender.print.queueable: true

Read more about the general characteristics of queued print at or

The print assistant is then updated in the backend of Mapbender and two new lines appear: mode and queue. Mode is set to “queue” and queue is set to “global”, if the print jobs are expected to be accessible to all colleagues. The new tab “Recent jobs” (which shows your scheduled print jobs) appears in the print client pop-up window.

To run the jobs the following commands can be used.

app/console mapbender:print:queue:next

The command mapbender:print:queue:next executes the next print job in the queue. For a potentially infinite process, the following options can be set to 0.

app/console mapbender:print:queue:next --max-jobs=0 --max-time=0

Optionally you can set a limit for the number of jobs to process and the maximum time for a job.

  • –max-jobs=MAX-JOBS

  • –max-time=MAX-TIME

app/console mapbender:print:queue:rerun

This command reruns a print queue job. The ID for the job must be set.

app/console mapbender:print:queue:rerun 1

Starting processing of queued job #1
PDF for queued job #1 rendered to /data/mapbender/application/app/../web/prints/mapbender_20191104103745.pdf

app/console mapbender:print:queue:dumpjob

This command dumps the queued print job from the database to JSON or YAML. The ID of the print job is required. This ID can be determined from the open print queue in the Mapbender application.

    app/console mapbender:print:queue:dumpjob [options] [--] <id>

app/console mapbender:print:queue:dumpjob 2 > print_configuration.json

    app/console mapbender:print:queue:dumpjob 2
    "template": "a4portrait",
    "quality": "288",
    "scale_select": "25000",
    "rotation": "-20",
    "extra": {
        "title": "My Title"
    "layers": {
        "0": {
            "type": "wms",
            "sourceId": "8",
            "url": "https:\/\/\/service?_SIGNATURE=31%3AIHZNT0zPZhFG95dN3QOzsizaDwA&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&VERSION=1.3.0&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&LAYERS=osm&_OLSALT=0.3940783483836241&CRS=EPSG%3A25832&BBOX=363375.30907721,5626747.0157598,368124.31589362,5620823.2546257&WIDTH=512&HEIGHT=512",
            "minResolution": null,
            "maxResolution": null,
            "order": 0,
            "opacity": 1,
            "changeAxis": false
        "1": {
            "type": "wms",
            "sourceId": "7",
            "url": "https:\/\/\/cgi-bin\/mapbender_user.xml?_SIGNATURE=26%3Atq6ae-UqhnZLMjiQlLrj-wCHiOI&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&VERSION=1.3.0&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&LAYERS=Mapbender_User&_OLSALT=0.6831931928241708&CRS=EPSG%3A25832&BBOX=363375.30907721,5626747.0157598,368124.31589362,5620823.2546257&WIDTH=2400&HEIGHT=1141",
            "minResolution": null,
            "maxResolution": null,
            "order": 0,
            "opacity": 0.85,
            "changeAxis": false
        "2": {
            "type": "wms",
            "sourceId": "7",
            "url": "https:\/\/\/cgi-bin\/mapbender_user.xml?_SIGNATURE=26%3Atq6ae-UqhnZLMjiQlLrj-wCHiOI&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&VERSION=1.3.0&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&LAYERS=Mapbender_Names&_OLSALT=0.6831931928241708&CRS=EPSG%3A25832&BBOX=363375.30907721,5626747.0157598,368124.31589362,5620823.2546257&WIDTH=2400&HEIGHT=1141",
            "minResolution": null,
            "maxResolution": null,
            "order": 1,
            "opacity": 0.85,
            "changeAxis": false
    "width": 1920,
    "height": 913,
    "center": {
        "x": 365749.81248542,
        "y": 5623785.1351928
    "extent": {
        "width": 4749.006816409994,
        "height": 5923.761134099215
    "overview": {
        "layers": {
            "0": "https:\/\/\/service?_signature=31%3AIHZNT0zPZhFG95dN3QOzsizaDwA&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&VERSION=1.3.0&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&LAYERS=osm&CRS=EPSG%3A25832&BBOX=350757.32820012,5616536.5348653,377637.46662208,5629318.6006879&WIDTH=250&HEIGHT=125"
        "center": {
            "x": 364197.3974111,
            "y": 5622927.5677766
        "height": 78125,
        "changeAxis": false
    "mapDpi": 90.714,
    "extent_feature": {
        "0": {
            "x": 362505.8322437394,
            "y": 5625755.14826519
        "1": {
            "x": 366968.4389051802,
            "y": 5627379.404257199
        "2": {
            "x": 368994.48453732743,
            "y": 5621812.889632087
        "3": {
            "x": 364531.877875887,
            "y": 5620188.63364008
        "4": {
            "x": 362505.8322437394,
            "y": 5625755.14826519
    "userId": null,
    "userName": null,
    "legendpage_image": {
        "type": "resource",
        "path": "images\/legendpage_image.png"

app/console mapbender:print:runJob

Command to run a print job from a saved job definition. The JSON file created with the previously described command (app/console mapbender:print:dumpjob) will create a pdf print output.

app/console mapbender:print:runJob print_configuration.json /tmp/print.pdf

app/console mapbender:print:queue:repair

If a print job in the queue has crashed, e.g. a WMS service is not accessible, printing cannot be performed. The command resets the status of the print jobs so that they can be executed again.

app/console mapbender:print:queue:repair

app/console mapbender:print:queue:clean

This command purges old jobs from the print queue (database and files). This includes created PDFs as well as corresponding database entries for the print jobs which are listed in the table called “mb_print_queue”. With the command the expiring age can be set, for example, 20 can be used to delete all jobs older than 20 days.

app/console mapbender:print:queue:clean 20

Print queue clean process started.
Deleted 0 print queue item(s)

app/console mapbender:print:queue:gcfiles

gcfiles means “garbage collection files”. This command deletes unreferenced files from print queue storage path. This can happen, for example, if a job is deleted from the database or the file path to the PDFs is no longer up-to-date.

app/console mapbender:print:queue:gcfiles

No unreferenced local files found


app/console debug:swiftmailer

Command displays the configured mailer(s)

app/console debug:swiftmailer


app/console server:run

This command runs the PHP’s built-in web server. The terminal displays that the server is running on the given local address ( In this mode you can work locally with Mapbender.

Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

app/console server:run

[OK] Server running on
// Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

app/console server:start

The command starts the PHP’s built-in web server in the background.

In the terminal appears a message saying that the web server is listening on the displayed address (

app/console server:start

[OK] Web server listening on

app/console server:stop

The command stops the PHP’s built-in web server. A message appears in the terminal that the server with this specified address was stopped (

app/console server:stop

app/console server:status

Outputs the status of the built-in web server for the given address.

app/console server:status

Clear cache

app/console cache:clear

The command clear the cache directory.


app/console cache:clear --env=dev


app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug


app/console mapbender:wms:validate:url

Command to check the accessibility of the WMS data source. The available layers are listed, if the service is accessible.

app/console mapbender:wms:validate:url ""

    WMS source loaded and validated
    Source describes 3 layers:
    * OpenStreetMap (WhereGroup)
    * OpenStreetMap
    * OpenStreetMap (grey scale)


app/console mapbender:source:rewrite:host

Command to update the host name in the source URLs. Like this it is not necessary to reload Service capabilities.

app/console mapbender:source:rewrite:host "" ""

    3 modified urls in WMS source #5 / OpenStreetMap (OSM) Demo WhereGroup
    1 sources changed
    3 urls changed
    4 sources unchanged
    14 urls unchanged

app/console mapbender:config:check

Command to check the system configuration and mapbender requirements. Useful command to determine whether dependencies are compliant and database access works.

app/console mapbender:config:check

The following requirements are checked and displayed:

  • Databse connections

  • PHP Version

  • System requirements

  • Asset Folders

  • FastCGI

  • Apache modus (rewrite)

  • PHP ini

  • loaded PHP extensions

  • Directory permissions

app/console mapbender:version

The command outputs the current version of Mapbender.

app/console mapbender:version


app/console debug:config

Command lists all registered bundles (packages) and, if available, their aliases.

app/console debug:config