.. _proxy: How to use the OWSProxy3? ######################### We include OWSProxy3, our W*S proxy solution. It is secure and can log proxy calls for billing. It can use a HTTP proxy itself to work in tightly secured environments. From the client *************** The URL for the proxy is available as the **Mapbender.configuration.application.urls.proxy** variable. You can send WMS and WFS requests there, giving the target URL as the url parameter. Be aware though that the target URL must be signed (see below). Signing URLs ************* The proxy is secured by checking a cryptographical signature on the target URL. This is basically a SHA1-Hash of the secret token defined in the parameters.yml, the base part of the URL and a salt. That means that you are responsible for signing your URLs before passing them to the public proxy URL. You can do this in PHP by using the `signing` service provided by Mapbender: .. code-block:: php $url = 'http://example.com'; $signer = $this->container->get('signer'); $signedUrl = $signer->signUrl(); // http://example.com?_signature=18:ePbX2vK9dy6AvaJq31URCvSz3EM Checking that the URL and signature still match is also easy: .. code-block:: php $url = 'http://example.com?foo=bar&_signature=18:ePbX2vK9dy6AvaJq31URCvSz3EM'; $signer->checkSignedUrl($url); This will throw an ArsGeografica\Signing\BadSignatureException if they don't match or no signature at all was included.