.. _twig: Twig ##### Symfony follows the template approach and we use this in Mapbender3. Symfony uses a templating engine to generate HTML, CSS or other content. Twig is a templating engine that is packaged in Symfony2 and offers an easy and powerfull way to generate templates. A template is a text file that can generate any text based format like HTML, XML. It is used to express presentation and not programm logic. You can use templates to create a layout. You can create a base layout and the overwrite or append any of your layout blocks with individual templates. Read more about Templates in Mapbender3 at :doc:`How to create your own Template? <../templates>`. Documentation ************* Read more about Twig in Twig documentation the http://twig.sensiolabs.org/. You find a good introduction in the Symfony2 documentation **Creating and using Templates** http://symfony.com/doc/current/templating.html Twig Syntax *********** .. code-block:: yaml {# define a comment like this #} {{ mb_user }} {# echo a variable #} {% %} {# do something if, for #} {{ mb_user|upper }} {# use filter #} {{title|trans }} {# translates the variable title #} {% trans %}title{% endtrans %} Twig Template caching ********************* Twig is fast and the twig template is compiled to a native PHP class at runtime. You find the compiled classes at app/cache/dev/twig # when running in the development mode or app/cache/prod/twig # when running in the productive mode **Notice:** The files are cached in the productive mode. In the debug mode, the Twig template will be automatically recompiled. Template Location **************************** Templates can be located at * app/Resources/views/ * /Resources/views/ Template Name ************* The name of your template should follows the syntax **bundle:controller:template**. In Mapbender3 we use for example the following twig templates: * app/base.html.twig * application/mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/Resources/views/frontend.html.twig * application/mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/Resources/views/Template/fullscreen.html.twig Check the syntax of your Twig template ************************************** You can check for syntax errors in Twig templates using the twig:lint console command: .. code-block:: yaml app/console twig:lint mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/Resources/views/Template/fullscreen.html.twig The example checks by filename, but you could also check by directory or bundle name. .. ToDO assets ****** app-Variable ************ example ******