OWSProxy3 is a transparent Buzz-based proxy that uses cURL for connection to web resources via/without a proxy server.
The configuration is done in the file config.yml at the section ows_proxy3_core.
logging: true # logging of requests, default is true, true logs in table owsproxy_log
obfuscate_client_ip: true # obfuscats a client ip, use 'true' to hide the last byte of the client's ip address
proxy: # proxy definition for connnection via a proxy server
# at least 'host' and 'port' are needed for proxy definition
connecttimeout: 30 # default 30s
timeout: 60 # default 60s
host: # host name of the proxy server (define a host for a connection via a proxy server)
port: # port number of the proxy server (define a host for a connection via a proxy server)
user: # user name for proxy server (set user for proxy server if needed)
password: # password for proxy server (set password for proxy server if defined)
noproxy: # list of hosts for connnections without proxy server
- host_a # host name