Setting up of Digitizer

You can only use the element in the sidepane.

  • Title: Title of the element. This is displayed in the layouts list and allows you to define several elements.

  • Target: (ID) of the map.

  • Schemes: YAML-Definition of the element Digitizer

The Ditigitzer needs access to a database where the editable tables are. You have to define a new database configuration to be able to connect with the geo database. Read more about this under YAML Configuration (Configuration and Application files).

The definition of the Digitizer is done in YAML syntax in the textarea configuration at schemes. Here you define the database connection, the editable table, the form to display the table, the attribute form and other behavior.


If errors occur in the database, fields or form, various error messages will appear. Here, the productive environment will only give a general error message. If you want to see the exact error, you should call the page as development environment. Find more under en/quickstart:Start Mapbender in a productive environment.

  • debug: Display error messages, e.g. syntax error in SQL [experimental]

    debug: true

YAML-Definition for the element Digitizer in the textarea schemes

In the following YAML block, the example definition for three Digitizer forms is included. Copy the following block into your Digitizer element to test the capture of points, lines, and polygons. You must first create the database connection and the three demo tables. The SQL commands for creating the tables can be found below. The functionality of the built-in features and additional functions are explained in more detail in this example.

    label: point digitizing
    inlineSearch: true
        connection: search_db
        table: poi
        uniqueId: gid
        geomType: point
        geomField: geom
        srid: 4326
    openFormAfterEdit: true
    zoomScaleDenominator: 500
    allowEditData: true
    allowDelete: true
    allowDigitize: true
    useContextMenu: true
        - type: drawPoint
        - type: moveFeature
        title: point test suite
        width: 500px
    searchType: currentExtent
        gid: {label: Nr. , width: 20%}
        name: {label: Name , width: 80%}
            strokeWidth: 2
            strokeColor: '#0e6a9e'
            fillColor: '#1289CD'
            fillOpacity: 1
            fillWidth: 2
            pointRadius: 10
            strokeWidth: 3
            strokeColor: '#0e6a9e'
            fillOpacity: 0.7
            pointRadius: 10
       - type: tabs
           - type: form
             title: Basic information
             css: {padding: 10px}
                 - type: label
                   title: Welcome to the digitize demo. Try the new Mapbender feature!
                 - type: input
                   title: Name
                   mandatory: true
                   name: name
                   mandatoryText: Please give a name to the poi.
                   infoText: "Help: Please give a name to the new object."
                 - type: input
                   title: Title
                   mandatory: false
                   name: title
                   mandatoryText: Please give a title to the poi.
                 - type: textArea
                   name: abstract
                   title: Abstract
                   placeholder: 'please edit this field'
                 - type: select
                   title: Type
                   name: type
                   options: {A: A, B: B, C: C, D: D, E: E}
                 - type: breakLine
           - type: form
             title: Personal information
             css: {padding: 10px}
                 - type: label
                   title: Please give us some information about yourself.
                 - type: fieldSet
                       - type: input
                         title: Firstname
                         name: firstname
                         css: {width: 30%}
                       - type: input
                         title: Lastname
                         name: lastname
                         css: {width: 30%}
                       - type: input
                         title: E-Mail
                         name: email
                         css: {width: 40%}
                 - type: select
                   multiple: false
                   title: Interests
                   name: interests
                   options: {maps: maps, reading: reading, swimming: swimming, dancing: dancing, beer: beer, flowers: flowers}
                 - type: date
                   title: favorite Date
                   name: date_favorite
                   mandatory: true
                   css: {width: 25%}
                 - type: breakLine
                 - type: breakLine
                 - type: checkbox
                   name: public
                   value: true
                   title: public (this new object is public)
    label: line digitizing
    inlineSearch: true
        connection: search_db
        table: lines
        uniqueId: gid
        geomType: line
        geomField: geom
        srid: 4326
    openFormAfterEdit: true
    allowDelete: true
    useContextMenu: true
        - type: drawLine
        - type: modifyFeature
        - type: moveFeature
        title: line test suite
        width: 500px
    searchType: currentExtent
        gid: {label: Nr. , width: 20%}
        name: {label: Name , width: 80%}
            strokeWidth: 2
            strokeColor: '#0e6a9e'
            fillColor: '#1289CD'
            fillOpacity: 1
            fillWidth: 2
            pointRadius: 10
            strokeWidth: 3
            strokeColor: '#0e6a9e'
            fillOpacity: 0.7
            pointRadius: 10
       - type: form
         title: Basic information
         css: {padding: 10px}
             - type: label
               title: Welcome to the digitize demo. Try the new Mapbender feature!
             - type: input
               title: Name
               name: name
               mandatory: true
               mandatoryText: Please give a name to the new object.
               infoText: "Help: Please give a name to the new object."
             - type: select
               title: Type
               name: type
               options: {A: A, B: B, C: C, D: D, E: E}
    label: polygon digitizing
    inlineSearch: true
        connection: search_db
        table: polygons
        uniqueId: gid
        geomType: polygon
        geomField: geom
        srid: 4326
    openFormAfterEdit: true
    allowDelete: false
    useContextMenu: true
        - type: drawPolygon
        - type: drawRectangle
        - type: drawDonut
        - type: drawEllipse
        - type: drawCircle
        - type: modifyFeature
        - type: moveFeature
        title: polygon test suite
        width: 500px
    searchType: currentExtent
        gid: {label: Nr. , width: 20%}
        name: {label: Name , width: 80%}
            strokeWidth: 2
            strokeColor: '#0e6a9e'
            fillColor: '#1289CD'
            fillOpacity: 1
            fillWidth: 2
            pointRadius: 10
            strokeWidth: 3
            strokeColor: '#0e6a9e'
            fillOpacity: 0.7
            pointRadius: 10
       - type: form
         title: Basic information
         css: {padding: 10px}
             - type: label
               title: Welcome to the digitize demo. Try the new Mapbender feature!
             - type: input
               title: Name
               mandatory: true
               name: name
               mandatoryText: Please give a name to the new object.
               infoText: "Help: Please give a name to the new object."
             - type: select
               title: Type
               name: type
               options: {A: A, B: B, C: C, D: D, E: E}

SQL for the demo tables

The following SQL commands must be executed in your database. You create three demo tables so that the individual functions can be tested using the YAML definition shown above.

create table public.poi (
    gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name varchar,
    type varchar,
    abstract varchar,
    public boolean,
    date_favorite date,
    title varchar,
    firstname varchar,
    lastname varchar,
    email varchar,
    interests varchar,
    user_name varchar,
    group_name varchar,
    modification_date date,
    my_type varchar,
    file_reference varchar,
    x float,
    y float,
    city varchar,
    geom geometry(point,4326)
create table public.lines (
    gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name varchar,
    type varchar,
    abstract varchar,
    public boolean,
    date_favorite date,
    title varchar,
    firstname varchar,
    lastname varchar,
    email varchar,
    interests varchar,
    length float,
    category varchar,
    user_name varchar,
    group_name varchar,
    modification_date date,
    my_type varchar,
    file_reference varchar,
    x float,
    y float,
    city varchar,
    geom geometry(linestring,4326)
create table public.polygons (
    gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name varchar,
    type varchar,
    abstract varchar,
    public boolean,
    date_favorite date,
    title varchar,
    firstname varchar,
    lastname varchar,
    email varchar,
    interests varchar,
    area float,
    category varchar,
    user_name varchar,
    group_name varchar,
    modification_date date,
    my_type varchar,
    file_reference varchar,
    x float,
    y float,
    city varchar,
    geom geometry(polygon,4326)


The following chapters explain the individual components of the Digitizer that build up the base-structure and which can be used in the formular.

Feature basic definition

A basic definition, here for the poi-example, may look like the following snippet:

    label: point digitizing
    minScale: 5000
        connection: search_db
        table: poi
        uniqueId: gid
        geomType: point
        geomField: geom
        srid: 4326
        filter: interests = 'maps'
    openFormAfterEdit: true
    zoomScaleDenominator: 500
    allowEditData: true
    allowDelete: true
    allowDigitize: true

The possible options are:

  • label: Label of the Digitizer popup

  • minScale: Minimum scale, where the features should be displayed in the map (e.g. minscale: 5000 = show from a scale ‘over’ 1:5000, when zooming out).

  • featureType: Connection to the database
    • connection: Name of the database-connection from the parameters/doctrine.yaml

    • table: Table-name in which the FeatureTypes are stored

    • uniqueId: Column-name with the unique identifier

    • geomType: Geometry-type

    • geomField: Column-name in which the geometry is stored

    • srid: Coordinate-system in EPSG-code

    • filter: Data filters for values ​​in a defined column, e.g. filter: interests = ‘maps’

  • openFormAfterEdit: After creating a geometry the form popup is opened automatically to insert the attribute data (default: true)

  • zoomScaleDenominator: Zoom-scales to use for zooming to a feature.

  • allowEditData: Allow or disable functions to edit or remove data. [true/false]. The Save button is always visible.

  • allowDigitize: Allow to save data [true/false].

  • allowDelete: Allow to delete data [true/false]. The Delete button is always visible.

  • allowDigitize: Allow to create new features [true/false]. if false, no Digitizer buttons will occur (new Point, move, etc.).

  • useContextMenu: Show the context-menu of a feature. [true/false]

  • allowCancelButton: Show the Cancel button [true/false]. See Save, Delete, Cancel.

  • allowDeleteByCancelNewGeometry: If true: When you create a new feature, the Cancel button will behave like the Delete button: The feature is removed from the map and the table. This is not the case if you edit an existing feature. [true/false]

  • displayOnInactive: The current FeatureType will still be displayed on the map, although the Digitizer is deactivated in the Sidepane (Accordion, Tabs) [true/false]. If switched to true, this option is a bit tricky, due to the still activated Digitizer events but will be helpful for experienced users.

  • allowLocate: Navigation to a feature via the tabs-keyboard-button, simple for operation without mouse. [True / false]. An extra “zoomTo” Button is displayed for each feature.

  • allowChangeVisibility: Allow to change the visibility of one feature in the map (visible / invisible). [true/false]. An Eye Symbol is displayed, which allows to hide or display each feature indiviudally.

  • showVisibilityNavigation: Allow to change the visibility of all features in the map (visible / invisible). [true/false]



  • allowCustomerStyle: Allow user-specific styles for features in the map [true/false]. This feature is experimental: For each feature you can set unique styles.


A style-manager is used to let you set the unique styles.


Definition of the popup

In connection with the digitization, very complex forms can be generated for the acquisition of data.


The following option for the construction of the forms are available:

  • Define more than one feature type for digitization. You can switch from one feature type to another with a select box.

  • It is possible to define a filter to only query a subset of your database table.

  • Textfields

  • Selectboxes, Multiselectboxes

  • Checkboxes and Radiobuttons

  • Textareas

  • Datepicker

  • File upload and Image Display

  • Definition of tabs

  • Definition breakLines

  • Definition of Text

  • Mandatory fields, regular expressions to validate the field input

  • Definition of help texts

  • Refresh after save

  • Possibility to copy entered information from a form into the clipboard via a button

popup:                                                          # Define the form as a popup. Further experimental adaptations here:
    title: POI                                                  # Definition of the popup title
    height: 400                                                 # height of the popup
    width: 500                                                  # width of the popup

    #modal: true                                                # Everything except the form window is grayed out and the position and size of the window is fixed for the duration of the data collection.
    #position: {at: "left+20px",  my: "left top-460px"}         # Position of the popup in the browser area

Definition of the feature table

The Digitizer provides an object table. It can be used to navigate to features (zoom on the objects) and open the editing form. The object table can be sorted. The width of the individual columns can optionally be specified in percent or pixels.

  • tableFields: define the columns for the feature table.
    • definition of a colum: [table column]: {label: [label text], width: [css-definition, like width]}

  • searchType: search extent in the map, display of all features in the result table or only features displayed in the current extent [all / currentExtent] (default: currentExtent).

  • showExtendSearchSwitch: Activate or deactivate the display of the searchType selectbox for searching in the curret extent [true/false]

  • view: Settings for the object result table
    • type: Templatename [table]

    • settings: Settings for the functions of the result table (Newly added, not fully documented!)

You can find more detailed information on possible configurations under

searchType: currentExtent
showExtendSearchSwitch: true
    gid: {label: Nr. , width: 20%}
    name: {label: Name , width: 80%}
    type: table
        info: true
        processing: false
        ordering: true
        paging: true
        selectable: false
        autoWidth: false
        order: [[1, "asc"]]  # 1 | 2 presort columns

Tabs (type tabs)

Form elements can be placed unto different Tabs. The formItem type “tabs” is used for this.

   - type: tabs                                                 # Type tabs creates tabs in the popup
     children:                                                  # The tabs are defined as sub-objects (children) of the form.
       - type: form
         title: Basic information                               # title of the tabs
         css: {padding: 10px}
         children:                                              # Multiple subobjects in groups can be used to arrange data in the form next to each other
             - type: label
               title: Welcome to the digitize demo. Try the new Mapbender feature!

For each input field the CSS-behavior and styling information can be assigned, regardless of the type. This can be used, for example, to highlight important fields or to fill an attribute field when editing another field.


  • load, focus, blur

  • input, change, paste

  • click, dblclick, contextmenu

  • keydown, keypress, keyup

  • dragstart, ondrag, dragover, drop

  • mousedown, mouseenter, mouseleave, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup

  • touchstart, touchmove, touchend, touchcancel

   - type: tabs
       - type: form
             - type: input
               name: firstname
               title: Firstname
               css: {width: 30%}
               input: |
                    var inputField = el;
                    var form = inputField.closest(".modal-body");
                    var datenkennungField = form.find("[name='datenkennung']");
               focus: |
                    var inputField = el;
                    var form = inputField.closest(".modal-body");
               blur: |
                    var inputField = el;
                    var form = inputField.closest(".modal-body");
             - type: date
               name: date
               title: Date
               css: {width: 30%}
               # Highlight the year if you edit the date-field and autom. insert the year from the date
               change: |
                    var inputField = el;
                    var form = inputField.closest(".modal-body");
                    var yearField = form.find("[name='year']");
                    var year = inputField.val().match(/\d+$/)[0];

Text fields (type input)

- type: input                                      # element type definition
  title: Title for the field                       # labeling (optional)
  name: column_name                                # reference to table column (optional)
  copyClipboard: false                             # true/false. if true, specify a button that copies entered information to the clipboard (default: false) (optional)
  mandatory: true                                  # specify mandatory field (optional)
  mandatoryText: You have to provide information.  # text occurs if the column is empty on save
  cssClass: 'input-css'                            # css class to use as style for the input field (optional)
  value: 'default Text'                            # define a default value  (optional)
  placeholder: 'please edit this field'            # placeholder appears in the field as information (optional)

Selectbox (selectbox or multiselect [type select])

By defining a selectbox, predefined values can be used in the form. You can choose between a selectbox with a selectable entry (type select) or a multiselectbox with several selectable entries (type multiselect).

(1) select - one selectable entry

- type: select                     # element type definition
  title: select a type             # labeling (optional)
  name: my_type                    # reference to table column (optional)
  copyClipboard: false             # specify button that copies chosen values to the clipboard (optional). [true/false] (default: false).
  multiple: false                  # define a multiselect (default: false)
  options:                         # definition of the options (key, value)
      1: pub
      2: bar
      3: pool
      4: garden
      5: playground

(2) multiselect - several selectable entries

The Multiselect-Box is activated by the attribute “multiple: true”. You can choose multiple entries in the selectbox. The usage and their requirements of the database may vary. In general with the example above, you can switch the “interests” in the POIs to multiselects. The database fields is still a character varying.

  type: select
  multiple: true
  title: Interests
  name: interests
  copyClipboard: false
    maps: maps
    reading: reading
    swimming: swimming
    dancing: dancing
    beer: beer
    flowers: flowers

Notes: From Digitizer version 1.2 and up, the multiple selection provides an easier mechanism to choose an entry, which also allows a search in the drop-down-list. The navigation through the list is possible via keyboard. Possible entries are highlighted during typing. An already chosen entry can be removed by clicking the small “x” symbol. Check up-to-date information about digitizer versions:


The SQL (if maps and reading were chosen):

gisdb=> select interests from poi where gid=3;
(1 row)

The keywords are saved in the database (for example: “dancing: Tanzen” and “flowers: Blumen” stores “dancing,flowers”). It is possible to copy several values to the clipboard with CopyClipboard: true.

- type: select                       # element type definition
  title: select some types           # labeling (optional)
  name: my_type                      # reference to table column (optional)
  copyClipboard: true                # Button which copies chosen values to the clipboard (optional)
  multiple: true                     # define a multiselect (default: false)
    a: a                             # definition of the options (key, value)
    b: b
    c: c

Get the options for the selectbox via SQL

With a SQL request, the values of the selectbox can be directly pulled from the database. In this case, the key value mapping is not possible and only the indices of the entries can be stored.

- type: select                                                    # element type definition
  title: select some types                                        # labeling (optional)
  name: my_type                                                   # reference to table column
  connection: connectionName                                      # Define a connection selectbox via SQL
  sql: 'SELECT DISTINCT key, value FROM tableName order by value' # get the options of the

Text/Label (type label)

- type: label                                    # element type definition, label writes a non-editable text to the form window.
  text: 'Please give information about the poi.' # define a text

Text (type text)

Texts can be defined as a label in the form. In this case, fields of the data source can be accessed by using JavaScript.

- type: text                          # Type text for generating dynamic texts from the database
  title:       Name                   # Label (optional)
  name:        name                   # Name of the field (optional)
  css:         {width: 80%}           # CSS definition (optional)
  text: data.gid + ': ' +
  # Text definition in JavaScript
  # data - data is the object, that gives access to all fields.
  # z.B.: + ':' +

Textareas (type textarea)

Similar to the text field via type input (see above), text areas can be created that can contain several lines using type textArea.

- type: textArea                    # Typ textArea creates a text area
  rows: 4                           # Number of rows for the text area that appears when the form is opened. Field can be expanded by mouse in the form.
  name: beschreibung                # table column
  title: Bestandsaufnahme Bemerkung # Label (optional)

Breaklines (type breakLine)

- type: breakLine                     # element type definition, will draw a line

Checkboxes (type checkbox)

- type:  checkbox        # Type checkbox creates a checkbox. When activated, the specified value (here 'TRUE') is written to the database.
  title: Is this true?   # Label (optional)
  name:  public          # table column
  value: true            # parameter when activating the checkbox is stored in DB (here 'TRUE').
  checked: false         # [true/false] behaviour of the checkbox (default: false). Defines whether checkbox is pre-selected (checked) on load

Mandatory fields

The notes for a mandatory field appear above the used fields. In the case of a missing entry in a defined mandatory field, this will be marked in red and (if defined) a speech bubble will appear. The object can not be saved if mandatory data is missing.


When using multiple tabs in the form, the creator may set an entry incorrectly on a non-visible tab in a mandatory field, so the saving process does not work. No error message appears outside the form. The applicant has to check the information in the form (label: red border/speech bubble with reference) before it can be stored correctly.

- type:  [Angabe zum Feldtyp]           # Each field can be made mandatory

  mandatory: true                       # true - field has to be set. Else you can't save the object. Regular expressions are possible too - see below.
  mandatorytitle: Mandatory info!       # Text that appears in the field when the field is not filled or filled with an invalid value.
  mandatoryText: Please choose a type!  # Text that is displayed in a speech bubble above the field when the field is not filled when it is saved or invalid.
  mandatory: /^\w+$/gi                  # You can define a regular expression to check the input for a field. You can check e.g. for email or numbers. Read more

  # Check if input is a number
  mandatory: /^[0-9]+$/
  mandatoryText: Only numbers are valid for this field!

Date-picker (type date)

- type: date                                       # click in the textfield opens a datepicker
  title: favorite Date                             # Label (optional)
  name: date_favorite                              # data table

Helptexts to the form-elements (attribute infotext)

The infotext can appear over every field, regardless of whether this is a mandatory field or not. If a infotext is specified, an info button appears above the field. Clicking on this button opens the information text.

- type:  [type name]                                              # every field, regardless of whether this is a mandatory field or not

  infoText:  Please note - only numbers are valid for this field. # Notice which will be displayed by i-symbol

Element groups (type: fieldSet)

Elements can be grouped together in one row to provide logical connections or save space. To define a group you have to set type fieldSet and afterwards define the children which shall be grouped.

For each children you can define a width to control the pace for each element.

- type: fieldSet             # Grouping of fields, regardless of field type
  children:                  # Define the group elements by children
      - type: input
        title: Firstname
        name: firstname
        css: {width: 30%}    # Specifies the width of the group element. Together, the elements should be 100%.
      - type: input
        title: Lastname
        name: lastname
        css: {width: 30%}
      - type: input
        title: E-Mail
        name: email
        css: {width: 40%}

Coordinate Fields (type coordinates)

For visual verification, manual entry or manual editing of point coordinates, the coordinates element can be used.

- type: coordinates
  title_epsg: 'EPSG angeben'
  title_longitude: 'Longitude'
  title_latitude: 'Latitude'
  coordinatesFieldsOrder: ['epsg','x','y']
  title: ''
  css: {width: 100% }
  epsgCodes: [['EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:3857 (Pseudo Mercator)'], ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:4326 (WGS84)']]

The possible special properties are:

  • title_epsg: the caption for the field to select the EPSG code of the coordinates

  • title_longitude: the title of the longitude field

  • title_latitude: the title of the latitude field

  • coordinatesFieldsOrder: a list of strings, describing the order in which the three input elements occur

  • epsgCodes: a list of tuples, each describing an EPSG code to select and its corresponding label in the form

File upload (type file)

The file upload can be used to link files to a database column in the form. To do this, the uploaded files are stored in Mapbender and the path is noted in the column.

The storage path and the name of the stored files can not yet be changed. The file upload always saves to the same directory and is built up from the parameters:

  • tablename

  • columnname

  • filename

The filesystem path is:

  • <mapbender>/web/uploads/featureTypes/[tablename]/[columnname]/[filename].png

The linked URL stored in the database column is:

  • http://localhost/mapbender/uploads/featureTypes/[tablename]/[columnname]/[filename].png

- type: file                     # Typ file for the upload of files
  title: Dateiupload             # Label (optional)
  text: Laden Sie ein Bild hoch. # Informationtext (optional)
  name: file_reference           # table column for the storage path

  # Experimental parameters:
  #accept: image/*               # Pre-selection of elements in the image format (window for file upload opens with restriction filter)
                                 # Other file-formats can be still uploaded

Notes: At this time, a “thumbnail” directory is created, which includes a smaller version of an image file. In future development this will be changed.

A possibility to show the uploaded images is the image-element.

Images (type image)


The image-element can be used to view a picture in the form. You can display images by specifying a URL in a database field or URL using the src parameter.

Images, which are marked by the element file in a table column, can thus also directly be integrated and displayed.

The image can be specified by specifying the two parameters src and name.

  • src: Url-path or file path (can be a relative path)

  • name: Url-path or file path from the table column (can’t be a relative path)

  • definition of name and src together: The content of the database column from name is taken. If the column is empty, the src is used.

- type: image                                         # Feature type field name image.
  name: file_reference                                # Reference to the database column. If defined, the path or URL in the field can be used and replaces "src" option
  src: "../bundles/mapbendercore/image/logo_mb3.png"  # Specify a path or URL to an image. If the path is relative use relative: true.
  relative: true                                      # Optional. If true, the "src" path is determined from the "/web" directory (default: false).
  enlargeImage: true                                  # Image is enlarged to original size/maximum resolution by clicking on the preview image. It is not scaled to screen size.

  # Experimental information about styling
    width: 100%                                       # Image CSS Style: Scales the preview image in the form, different from the original size in percent.

Caution: If only name and not name and src are specified, the wrong image appears from the previous data entry, if the column is empty.

Dynamic paths (eg “bundles/mapbendercore/image/[nr].png” or ‘bundles/mapbendercore/image/’ + data.image_reference) can not be specified.

One way to work around this is to create a trigger that will merge the path and contents of a table field into the database column.

Definition of the available toolsets (Toolset Type)

Toolset types:

  • drawPoint - Draw point

  • drawLine - Draw a line

  • drawPolygon - Draw polygon

  • drawRectangle - Draw rectangle

  • drawCircle - Draw circle

  • drawEllipse - Draw ellipse

  • drawDonut - Draw a Donut (enclave)

  • modifyFeature - Move vertices of a geometry

  • moveFeature - Move geometry

  • selectFeature - Geometry de-/select (experimental). There is no interaction with the table yet and the available workflows are limited to the Delete operation.

  • removeSelected - delete selected geometry (experimental). Deletes all objects selected in the map.

  • removeAll - Caution: remove all geometries from the table

YAML-Definition of toolset types

        - type: drawPolygon
        - type: drawRectangle
        - type: drawDonut
        - type: removeSelected

Context Menu

Using the context menu, an object on the map can be considered in more detail. After the activation you can open a context menu via the right mouse click on an object or cluster.


Items of the Context Menu:

  • Zoom to: Zoom to the map extent of the object

  • Edit features: Edit the features of the object. Opens the Digitizer dialog.

  • Remove: Remove the selected object.

If the corresponding basic definition (allowEditData, allowDelete) not defined, then they are also not available in the Context Menu. In the above example the delete function is not available for the polygons.

    useContextMenu: true

Clustering (experimental)

By clustering the objects can be combined on the map. Depending on the defined distance and zoom level different numbers of objects can be clustered.

Due to the complexity of the Clustering, future versions may have changes in functionality and syntax, so we define that still as experimental. Dependencies are to the display of features in the current extent/all areas and the different geometry types.


Definition of the cluster element:

  • scale: Zoom level.

  • distance: distance between features in m to activate the clustering.

  • disable: zoom level to disable the clustering.

            scale: 10000        # Zoom level
            distance: 60        # distance between features to cluster
            scale: 2500
            distance: 40
            scale: 1000
            distance: 20
            scale: 500
            distance: 1
            disable: true       # disable clustering at defined zoomlevel

Map-Refresh after save

After saving an object, the refresh can be activated using the refreshLayersAfterFeatureSave option. This parameter is used to reload the defined layer instances in the map-element. This makes changes regarded to WMS services directly visible in the map. This event is thrown only if the “Save” button of the attribute dialog is pressed.

If the YAML application is used in the /application folder, it can be specified by a unique name or by the instance-ID. If the applications are edited using the graphical user interface in the Backend with the digitizer-element, it can be specified by the instance-ID.

     allowEditData: true
     refreshLayersAfterFeatureSave:  # If no entry is made in this area no map refresh is carried out after saving
       - 17
       - 18
       - osm        # specify by unique name only with applications in applications/

Notes: Map-Refresh after save is available from Digitizer version 1.2. Check up-to-date information about digitizer versions:

Duplicate features

Already captured objects can be duplicated. This is done via a duplicate-button within the popup of the current selected already existing feature, via the context menu and the hit table. In order for the new object to be recognized better in the map, a color highlighting can be defined here.

The Duplicate button can be activated depending on a specific attribute value. This means that only when the corresponding attribute has a specific value (date> 0) the duplicate function works.

  • data: Define default values for attributes.

  • rules: Rule based duplicating (only if the filter/rule is active the object can be duplicated).

  • style: Styling of the duplicated feature (more at Design and Styles)

  • on: Events while duplicating process

     copy: # If no specification is made in this area you can't duplicate objects
       enable: true
         date: 2017
         - > 10
         label: "Dupliziertes Objekt"
         fillColor: "#ff0000"
         fillOpacity: 1
         strokeWidth: 4
         strokeColor: "#660033"
         success: widget._openFeatureEditDialog(feature)
         error: console.error(feature)


Different events exist that can be associated to a feature to manipulate attributes before or after an action.

  • onBeforeSave: Event before the storage of a new/modified information

  • onAfterSave: Event after the storage of a new/modified information

  • onBeforeUpdate: Event before the update of a modified information

  • onAfterUpdate: Event after the update of a modified information

  • onBeforeSearch: Event before the search in the SearchField of the Digitizer

  • onAfterSearch: Event after the search in the SearchField of the Digitizer

  • onBeforeRemove: Event before deleting data

  • onAfterRemove: Event after deleting data

In difference to the save-events, the update-events work only on an update of the data, not on creation.

Note: The events are still in development and should be used with caution. The correct matching of the events and their dependencies are not yet finished and may be changed in future versions.

The following sections show some examples. If you want to set several parameters in an event, these can be listed in sequence, separated by a semicolon, e.g.

  onBeforeSave: $feature->setAttribute('interests', 'maps'); $feature->setAttribute('name', 'test');

Storage of predefined attibute data in an additional attribute-columns:

The following example shows how data can be written to an additional attribute column. This is done with the column “interests” and the fixed value “maps”. When saving, the fixed value is stored in the table and you can use it via a filter for the selected display.

  onBeforeSave: $feature->setAttribute('interests', 'maps');

Storage of group roles in an additional attribute-columns:

The following example shows how mapbender user data can be written to an additional attribute column. Here, this is done with the column “group” and the storage with the group roles of the user (userRoles).

  onBeforeSave: $feature->setAttribute('group', implode(',', $userRoles));

Storage of attibute data in an additional attribute-columns:

This example shows how data can be stored in an additional attribute-column after saving. In this case it is done with two geometry-columns “geom” and “geom2”. When saving, the data of “geom” should be saved in the field “geom2”.

Depending on the use case, the onBeforeInsert or the onBeforeUpdate event can be used.

At the time of the saving-process the new geometry doesn’t yet persist in the database. Therefore it cannot be accessed as a feature but only via the corresponding “item”, an internal Digitizer structure. This “item” is based on the formular and the defined attribute fields.

  onBeforeInsert: $item['geom2'] = $item['geom'];
  onBeforeUpdate: $item['geom2'] = $item['geom'];

In this event the value of “geom2” is overwritten with the value of “geom”.

Storage of different geometry-types:

The above scenario can be extended to a slightly constructed example in which simultaneously different geometry types shall be saved. With the help of PostGIS, lines are interpolated to points. The Digitizer can use an event to fire the according SQL statement.

  onBeforeInsert: |
    $sql = "SELECT
    ST_Line_Interpolate_Point('".$item['geomline']."'::geometry, 1) as geom";
    $stmnt = $this->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
    $result  = $stmnt->fetchAll();
    $item['geompoi'] = $result[0]['geom'];

The onBeforeInsert event is used here. The pipe symbol “|” after the event signals a following multiline statement. This blog contains PHP code, which calls SQL-statement. The SQL-statement calls the ST_Line_Interpolate_Point function of PostGIS and commits the digitized line. Because this line is not yet persisted in the database, you have to access it with the “item” (geomline). The next lines build up the SQL-statement and delivers it to the SQL-connection defined in the featuretype. The last line writes the resulting point (geompoi) into the point-geometry-field.


Further buttons can be defined for the popup forms. The events (by clicking on the buttons) can be freely defined with JavaScript. Thus, for example, mailto data can be generated for the integration of a mail.

          title: polygon test suite
          width: 500p
          # resizible: true
            - text: message to editor
              click: |
                var body = encodeURI("Sehr geehrter Herr/Frau xx,"+"\nLink:"+location.href);
                location.href = " edit in webgis&body=Mail to editor for further edits.";
            - text: message to controller
              click: |
               location.href = "";

Design and Styles

By specifying a style the way the objects are displayed on the map can be defined.

  • default: defines the normal display of the objects on the map

  • select: defines the appearance of the objects while mouseover

  • selected: defines the appearance of the objects after click event

            graphic: true
            strokeWidth: 5
            strokeColor: "transparent"
            fillColor:  '#c0c0c0'
            fillOpacity: 1
            fillWidth: 2
            # label: ${name} ${type}
            # labelOutlineColor: '#eeeeee'
            pointRadius: 10
            strokeWidth: 1
            strokeColor: "#0e6a9e"
            fillOpacity: 0.7
            fillColor: "#0e6a9e"
            label: ${name} ${type}
            pointRadius: 10
            strokeWidth: 4
            strokeColor: "#648296"
            fillOpacity: 1
            fillColor: "#eeeeee"
            label: ${name} ${type}
            pointRadius: 10
  • strokeColor: Color of the border line [color value/transparent]

  • strokeWidth: Width of the border line [numeric]

  • strokeOpacity: Transparency of the border line [0-1]

  • fillColor: Color of the filling [color value/transparent]

  • fillWidth: Width of the filling [numeric]

  • fillOpacity: Transparency of the filling [0-1]

  • pointRadius: Radius around the center [numeric]

  • label: Labeling the object with fixed values ​​and / or DB fields, e.g. “ID ${nummmer}”

  • labelOutlineColor: Color of the border from the label [color value/transparent]

YAML-Definition for the element Digitizer in mapbender.yaml

This template can be used to insert the element into a YAML application.

        class: Mapbender\DigitizerBundle\Element\Digitizer
        title: Digitalisation
        target: map