Symfony follows the template approach and we use this in Mapbender. Symfony uses a templating engine to generate HTML, CSS or other content.
Twig is a templating engine that is packaged in Symfony2 and offers an easy and powerfull way to generate templates.
A template is a text file that can generate any text based format like HTML, XML. It is used to express presentation and not programm logic.
You can use templates to create a layout. You can create a base layout and the overwrite or append any of your layout blocks with individual templates.
Read more about Templates in Mapbender at How to create your own Template?.
Read more about Twig in Twig documentation the
You find a good introduction in the Symfony2 documentation Creating and using Templates
Twig Syntax¶
{# define a comment like this #}
{{ mb_user }} {# echo a variable #}
{% %} {# do something if, for #}
{{ mb_user|upper }} {# use filter #}
{{title|trans }} {# translates the variable title #}
{% trans %}title{% endtrans %}
Twig Template caching¶
Twig is fast and the twig template is compiled to a native PHP class at runtime.
You find the compiled classes at
app/cache/dev/twig # when running in the development mode
app/cache/prod/twig # when running in the productive mode
Notice: The files are cached in the productive mode. In the debug mode, the Twig template will be automatically recompiled.
Template Name¶
The name of your template should follows the syntax bundle:controller:template.
In Mapbender we use for example the following twig templates:
- app/base.html.twig
- application/mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/Resources/views/frontend.html.twig
- application/mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/Resources/views/Template/fullscreen.html.twig
Check the syntax of your Twig template¶
You can check for syntax errors in Twig templates using the twig:lint console command:
app/console twig:lint mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/Resources/views/Template/fullscreen.html.twig
The example checks by filename, but you could also check by directory or bundle name.