Installation in the Symfony built-in webserver

Mapbender is built on the Symfony Framework and therefore can take usage of the Symfony built-in webserver. This allows a quick test of Mapbender without an integration into an external webserver. This is not suited for production environments. In this document we assume that the SQLite database is used.

  • Take notice of the system requirements

  • Download Mapbender.

  • Extract Mapbender in an arbitrary directory.

  • Copy the parameters.yml.dist to parameters.yml.

    cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml
  • Start the Symfony built-in webserver:

    app/console server:run
  • After that Mapbender is available at the URL http://localhost:8000/app.php.

In virtual environments

If you want to run Mapbender on a virtual machine and access it from your hosting machine, use the following command:

app/console server:run

After that Mapbender ist available from the host-machine with the URL http://ip-adresse:8000/app.php.