Installation on Ubuntu/Debian¶
Mapbender is shipped with a preconfigured SQLite database which includes preconfigured applications (the database is located under <mapbender>/app/db/demo.sqlite).
For productive use PostgreSQL is recommended. You can find the neccessary configuration steps in chapter Optional > Mapbender Deployment on PostgreSQL.
PHP (from version 5.6 to 7.2)
Apache installation with the following modules activated:
Nginx can also be used as web server (this will not be discussed in detail here).
Installation of mandatory PHP extensions:
sudo apt install php-gd php-curl php-cli php-xml php-sqlite3 sqlite3 php-apcu php-intl openssl php-zip php-mbstring php-bz2
Unpack and register to web server¶
Download the current Mapbender version and unzip it into /var/www/mapbender:
wget -O /var/www/mapbender-starter-current.tar.gz
tar -zxf /var/www/mapbender-starter-current.tar.gz -C /var/www
mv $(ls -d /var/www/*/ | grep mapbender) /var/www/mapbender/
Configuration Apache 2.4¶
Create the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/mapbender.conf with the following content:
Alias /mapbender /var/www/mapbender/web/
<Directory /var/www/mapbender/web/>
Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex app.php
Require all granted
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /mapbender/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L]
Activate the site and reload Apache:
a2ensite mapbender.conf
service apache2 reload
Directory rights¶
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender/app/logs
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender/app/cache
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender/web/uploads
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/app/logs
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/app/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/web/uploads
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/app/db/demo.sqlite
First steps¶
The Mapbender installation can now be accessed under http://hostname/mapbender/. User data by default:
username: “root”, password: “root”
Troubleshooting is available via the following command (must be executed in the application directory):
app/console mapbender:config:check
Congratulations! Mapbender is now set up correctly and ready for further configuration. More information on proper configuration of Mapbender: Mapbender Quickstart Document.
To use the optional LDAP-connection, following PHP-LDAP-extension is required:
sudo apt install php-ldap
Mapbender installation with PostgreSQL
Configuration of PostgreSQL database for productive use:
Requirements: - configured PostgreSQL database (version < 10) - database for Mapbender configuration - possibly user for access
Installation PHP-PostgreSQL driver
sudo apt install php-pgsql
Configuration of database connection (app/config/parameters.yml):
database_driver: pdo_pgsql
database_host: localhost
database_port: 5432
database_name: mapbender
database_path: ~
database_user: postgres
database_password: secret
For further information: YAML Configuration (Configuration and Application files).
Initialisation of the database connection:
cd /var/www/mapbender app/console doctrine:database:create app/console doctrine:schema:create app/console mapbender:database:init -v app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Application/ --append
Following information: Details of the configuration of Mapbender
Mapbender installation with MySQL:
Similar to configuration with PostgreSQL.
Installation MySQL driver:
apt install php-mysql
Following parameters (parameters.yml) need to be adapted:
database_driver: pdo_mysql
database_port: 3306
To initialize your database connection, see PostgreSQL.