Update Mapbender to a newer Version¶
To update Mapbender you have to do the following steps:
get the new version from http://mapbender.org/builds/
save your configuration files (parameters.yml and config.yml) and your old Mapbender (files and database)
replace the new files
merge your configuration files (check for new parameters and changes)
update your Mapbender database
copy the screenshots from your old Mapbender version from /web/uploads/ to the folder /web/uploads of your new installation
Templates: If you are using your own template, you have to compare your scripts with the new scripts (are there any changes?)
print templates: if you use your own print templates: copy them back to app/Resources/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/.
In some cases, depending on your old Mapbender version, you will need to adjust the Apache Alias within in the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/mapbender.conf
At https://doc.mapbender.org/en/installation/installation_ubuntu.html under the section Unpack and register in your Web-Server you can see how the config file for the Apache Alias should look like
That’s all! Have a look at your new Mapbender version
Update Example for Linux¶
Have a look at the steps as commands
# Download the new version
wget -O http://mapbender.org/builds/mapbender-starter-current.tar.gz /tmp/build_mapbender/
tar xfz /tmp/build_mapbender/mapbender-starter-current.tar.gz
# save the old version
mv /var/www/mapbender /var/www/mapbender_save
# get the code of the new version
cp -R /tmp/build_mapbender/mapbender-starter-v3.2.5 /var/www/
mv /var/www/mapbender-starter-v3.2.5 /var/www/mapbender
# copy your old configuration files to the new version
cp /var/www/mapbender_save/app/config/parameters.yml /var/www/mapbender/app/config/parameters.yml
cp /var/www/mapbender_save/app/config/config.yml /var/www/mapbender/app/config/config.yml
# manual step
# merge parameters.yml, config.yml and if used mapbender.yml
# if you use screenshots: copy the screenshots from the old version back to mapbender/web/uploads
# if you have individual templates: merge the templates with the new Mapbender version
# if you use your own print templates: copy them back to mapbender/app/Resources/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/
# change the accessrights and owner of the files
sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender
# Update your Mapbender database
cd /var/www/mapbender/
app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
# Update the symbolic links
app/console assets:install web --symlink --relative
# change the access rights and owner of the files
sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender
# You have to set write permission to app/cache and app/logs.
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/app/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/app/logs
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/web/uploads
# export the web directory
app/console assets:install web
Update Example for Windows¶
# Download the new version http://mapbender.org/builds/
# Save the old version (files and database)
# Copy the configuration files (parameters.yml and config.yml) to your new Mapbender version.
# You have to check the configuration files for changes (new parameter, other changes)
# Call the app/console commands with php.exe
# You have to open a windows console to send the commands
cd mapbender
# Update your Mapbender database
php.exe app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
php.exe app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
# Notes for MS4W users:
# - be sure to first execute setenv.bat to properly set the required paths for PHP
# - you may have to also pass the extension you need, at the commandline, for example:
# php -d extension=C:\ms4w\Apache\php\ext\php_pdo_pgsql.dll app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
# Export files to the web-directory
php.exe app/console assets:install web
# Delete your cache and the logdateien at mapbender/app/cache und mapbender/app/logs
# if you use screenshots: copy the screenshots from the old version back to mapbender/web/uploads
# if you have individual templates: merge the templates with the new Mapbender version
# if you use your own print templates: copy them back to mapbender/app/Resources/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/