Coordinate Utility

The element Coordinate Utility allows two different things:

  1. Zoom to a given Point-coordinate
  2. Show the click-point of the map.

Both functions can be accessed with one user-interface:


Both cases allow a dynamic coordinate-transofrmation so that also points in a different coordinate-system can be used.

Additional you have the possibility to copy the coordinates into the clipboard.

The element can be configured in the Mapbender-Backend as a dialog with a button or directly in the Sidebar as an element.

Initialization and Configuration

Add the element Coordinate Utility into the content of your application.


The customization allows - besides the standard-configuration - some additional options:

  • Title: Title of the element.
  • Target: Map on which this tool works (Main Map)
  • Type: Dialog or Element.
    • Dialog: The tool is placed in the Content of the application and is called with a button. The tool is presented as a dialog.
    • Element: The tool is placed in the Sidebar of the application. You have to declare it as element.
  • Srs List: You can define additional SRS to which the tool has to transform the coordinates. This list can be left empty.
  • Add map’s srs list: The supported coordinate-systems defined in the Map element are automatically used by the Coordinate-Tool. These coordinate systems, defined in the map, are also used by the SRS Selector.

If you define the Tool as a dialog, you need a Button that you place in the Toolbar. The following screenshot shows an example configuration of the button:

  • Target: Name of the tool that is placed in the content of the application (Koordinaten Utility)

Using the tool


Get Coordinate:

  • If the Coordinate tool is opened as a dialog, the map reacts on a click. Click into the map and the click-coordinate is displayed in the dialog.
  • Change the coordinate system with the drop-down-list. The click-coordinate is displayed in the given coordinate-system.
  • The last line therefore shows the click-coordinate in the original coordinate-system of the map.
  • The button at the end of each text-field allows to copy the coordinate directly into the clipboard.

Zoom to coordinate:

  • The text-field can be used to edit your own coordinates. They must be given in the coordinate-system that is chosen in the upper drop-down list.
  • With a click on the Center map button, the map zooms to the given coordinate and shows the position with an orange symbol.


    title: 'Koordinaten Utility'
    class: Mapbender\CoordinatesUtilityBundle\Element\CoordinatesUtility
    type: element
    target: map
            name: 'EPSG:31466'
            title: '31466'
            name: 'EPSG:31468'
            title: '31468'
            name: 'EPSG:25833'
            title: '25832'
            name: 'EPSG:4326'
            title: '4326'
            addMapSrsList: true