WMS Loader¶
Opens a dialog in which a WMS can be loaded via the getCapabilities-Request. You can load WMS 1.1.1 and WMS 1.3.0.
Auto open: true/false open when application is started, default false.
Split layers: split layer on load of the service, default false.
Use declarative: allow to load service from a link (for example from featureInfo or search) and define the layers to activated, default false.
Title: Title of the element. The title will be listed in “Layouts” and allows to distinguish between different buttons. It will be indicated if “Show label” is activated.
Tooltip: text to use as tooltip.
Target: Id of Map element to query.
Defaultformat: default format is image/png, further possibilities: image/gif, image/jpeg.
Default infoformat: default infoformat is text/html, further possibilities: text/xml, text/plain.
target: ~ # Id of Map element to query
tooltip: 'WMS Loader' # text to use as tooltip
autoOpen: false # true/false open when application is started, default false
defaultFormat: 'image/png' # default format is image/png, further possibilities: image/gif, image/jpeg
defaultInfoFormat: 'text/html' # default infoformat is text/html, further possibilities: text/xml, text/plain
splitLayers: false # split layer on load of the service, default false
useDeclarative: false # allow to load service from a link (for example from featureInfo or search)
# and define the layers to activated, default false
You need a button to show this element. See button for inherited configuration options.
How to add a WMS by defining a link¶
You can add a WMS to Mapbender by defining a link f.e. in your WMS featureinfo or your search results.
Activate the option use Declarative in the WMS Loader element (in a YAML application set the option useDeclarative
to true).
The link has to look like this:
<a href="#"
mb-action="source.add.wms" mb-layer-merge="1" mb-wms-merge="1"
mb-url="http://wms.wheregroup.com/cgi-bin/germany.xml?VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS">load service</a>
mb-action="source.add.wms" # defines action to add a WMS
mb-wms-merge="1" # adds the WMS only once, if WMS is already part of the application it will use the WMS which is there (default is 1)
mb-layer-merge="1" # default is 1 which means: activate the layers passed mb-wms-layers and do not disable the layers which are already active.
mb-wms-layers="Gewaesser,Fluesse" # defines the layers to be activated, _all activates all layers, default all layers are deactivated
href oder mb-url # refer to the WMS getcapabilities URL
Class, Widget & Style¶
Class: Mapbender\WmsBundle\Element\WmsLoader