
Reset User with ID 1

The command app/console fom:user:resetroot resets the user with ID 1 (root). This user generally owns all rights.

app/console fom:user:resetroot

Welcome to the Mapbender root account management command
Enter the username to use for the root account.
Username [root]: root
Enter the e-mail adress to use for the root account.
E-Mail [root@root.de]: admin@mycompany.foo
Enter the password to use for the root account.
Password: secret
Do you confirm reset [yes]? yes
The root is now usable. Have fun!

Create new user

The root user (ID 1) can create new users. A user itself can create a new user if he has the Owner role in the ACL “users”. We chose this exception of the rules to avoid other users changing their username.

Create new applications

Users can create new applications if they have the create right in the ACL “Applications”. Once that right is permitted, the user can also import and export applications.

Configure sources

To get permission to the Sources tab and work with sources in the Mapbender backend, a specified user (or group member) needs the edit right in the Global Access Control Lists.

Copy applications

A user can copy applications if he has the edit right in ACL “Applications” or within the application itself. The right of the application overwrites the global ACL right.

Thereby, the user automatically becomes the owner of the copied application.

Delete applications

A user can delete applications if he has the delete right in the ACL “Applications” or within the application itself. The right of the applications overwrites the global ACL right.