Scale Bar

The Scale bar is a small line which represents the current map scale graphically.



  • Title: Title of the element. It will be listed under Layouts.

  • Maximum width: The maximum width of the scale bar (mandatory field; default: 200px).

  • Unit: Scale bar units ‘kilometer’ or ‘miles’ (mandatory field; default: kilometer).

  • Position: Scale bar alignment (mandatory field; default: Bottom right).


This template can be used to insert the element into a YAML application.

tooltip: 'Scale Bar'             # text to use as tooltip
target: ~                        # ID of the Map element to query
anchor: 'inline'/'left-top'/     # scale bar alignment (default:'right-bottom')
  'left-bottom'/'right-top'/     # use inline, e.g. in sidebar
position: ['10px', '10px']       # scale bar position (default:x=20px, y=20px)
maxWidth: 200                    # the maximum width of the scale bar (default: 200px)
units: ['km']                    # scale bar units 'kilometer' and/or 'miles' (ml) (default: ['km'])