Coordinates Utility

Coordinates Utility allows two different coordinate operations:

  1. Zoom to a given point coordinate

  2. Show the clicked point of the map

Both functions can be accessed with one user interface:


Both cases allow a dynamic coordinate transformation. Simply insert and transform coordinates from other systems.


  • Title: Title of the element.

  • Srs List: You can define additional SRS to which the tool has to transform the coordinates. This list can be left empty.

  • Zoom-Level: Zoom level of the map (default: 6)

  • Add map’s srs list: If checked, the supported coordinate systems defined in the Map will automatically be used by this element and the SRS Selector (default: true).

If you define Coordinates Utility as a dialog, you need a Button that you place in the Toolbar.

Using the tool


Get Coordinate

  • If Coordinates Utility is opened as a dialog, the map reacts on a click. Click into the map and the click-coordinate is displayed in the dialog.

  • Change the coordinate system with the dropdown-list. The click-coordinate is displayed in the given coordinate system.

  • The last line therefore shows the click-coordinate in the original coordinate system of the map.

  • The button at the end of each text-field allows to copy the coordinate directly into the clipboard.

  • If Coordinates Utility is opened via the Sidepane, the button Coordinate search will appear that allows switching between a pan-cursor and a coordinate-cursor.

Zoom to coordinate

  • The text field can be used to edit your own coordinates. They must be given in the coordinate system that is chosen in the upper dropdown-list.

  • With a click on the Center map button, the map zooms to the given coordinate and shows the position with an orange symbol.


This template can be used to insert the element into a YAML application.

    title: 'Koordinaten Utility'
    class: Mapbender\CoordinatesUtilityBundle\Element\CoordinatesUtility
    type: element
    target: map
            name: 'EPSG:31466'
            title: '31466'
            name: 'EPSG:31468'
            title: '31468'
            name: 'EPSG:25833'
            title: '25832'
            name: 'EPSG:4326'
            title: '4326'
            addMapSrsList: true