Coordinates Display¶
The coordinates display element shows your mouse position in map coordinates. The coordinates are dependent on the selected spatial reference system which may be changed in the Spatial Reference System Selector.
The coordinates display for different coordinate systems looks like this:
ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG:25832):

DHDN / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 2 (EPSG:31466):

WGS 84 (EPSG:4326):

WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG:3857):


Show label: Show a label which incorporates the title and appears next to the coordinates.
Title: Title of the element. It will appear next to the coordinates if “Show label” is activated.
Num digits: Number of decimal digits of the coordinates.
Target: ID of the map element to which the element refers.
Empty: Text displayed when the mouse is not on the map (default: ‘x = - y = -‘).
Prefix: Prefix in front of the X coordinate (default: ‘= x’).
Separator: Separator in between the X coordinate and Y coordinate (default: ‘ y= ‘).
numDigits: 2 # the number of digits each coordinate shall have when being rendered (default: 2)
target: ~ # id of Map element to query
label: true # true/false to label coordinates display (default: false)
empty: 'x= - y= -' # show this text if the mouse is not on the map
prefix: 'x= ' # show prefix before x coordinate
separator: ' y= ' # show separator before y coordinate
The element can be customized with the following CSS-style, for example to increase the width.
.mb-element-coordsdisplay {
width: 500px;